Sacred Chants Vijali Hamilton with Edie Hartshorne
Vijali Hamilton’s rendition of Vedic chants accompanied by Edie Hartshorne’s Koto and flutes take you into an other realm where spirit is tangible and as assessable as a falling leaf in the wind. Interspersed are their original compositions that lift you to unforgettable heights while your feet tread deeper into the body of earth.
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go to topAwaken Your Heart From Its Ancient Sleep
Edie Hartshorne & Vijali Hamilton
A musical prayer, Awaken Your Heart From Its Ancient Sleep invites you to enter sacred space, to suspend time for a moment. Weaving together instruments and musical tradtitions of East and West, we seek an intimate connection with spirit, with earth, with sacred community. Producer/Director: Vijali Hamilton Music: Vijali Hamilton and Edie Hartshorne Vijali Hamilton: voice, tanpura, ektara, and flute Edie Hartshorne: flutes, koto, and Tibetan Bowls
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